Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Summer term

This term we have started to learn about Castles and Dragons as part of our Fantasy Topic!

We have visited conisbrough Catle and had a great day out. First we had a tour of the castle and then we all took part on some exciting workshops ran by our teachers where we did sketching, drama, cartoon strips, dressing up in medievil costume. It was great !!!

This term we are learning to write stories set in a fantasy setting using story language like One day, Once upon a time, Then, Next, Just then, Suddenly, After a while.. Look out for some of our stories being published on our page!

In numeracy we have been learning how to make values of money up using different coins, find out the total price we have spent and also how much chnage we would have from 20p. We are all getting really good at recording our number sentences too.

We have also been on another exciting visit with our parents to watch the film 'How to train a dragon' at the showroom cinema. Our parents are now involved in doing some family learning workshops with us. This week we worked with some animation specialist who helped us design different dragons and we have began animating these. Keep a look out for photographs of the things we have been doing in this project.

Thank you for reading our blog- Keep watching for new things.